Introduction on How to Create a Website
First of all today we are going to share How to create a website. Moreover, now a day’s millions of persons want to come online. Ya moving towards online are a good idea because you can get connected to millions of people here. Undoubtedly, lots of people or customer will get to know you and get connected with you.
People will able to search you and find your website. Simply this is the reason we want to share How to create a website. Furthermore, we appreciate that you want to share some knowledge or ideas to a large number of people. Without a doubt, having a website is almost essential. Moreover, before you start website it’s better to find out the motive to start a website.
We meet through lot of questions about how to create a website or How to create a website for free. Today all your queries are going to be clear. Apart from this, before you start a website it would be better to research about your competitors. Research on your competitors can help you to know about the niche.
Especially, you can get a clear idea that which niche website will be best for you. Furthermore, moving online is really a simple process, i.e. it became very easier. As a matter of fact, some website reports and research says 380 new websites are created every minute. However, we do not claim this but you can easily get to know the number is really high. Other than that, there are 200 million-plus active websites. Finally, let us start our content on how to create a website.
Key points on How to create a website

It should be noted, you do not need any programming knowledge or advanced html or css to create a website. Moreover, website can be created without technical program skills. We know this can seem like daunting, but today many tools are available which can help to make the process easy. so we will try to clear every points step by step.
If you read the content properly then there will no confusion regarding how to create a website. First of all, we know that there are two ways to build a website i.e. website builder and WordPress. There are many third-party applications which help to build a website such as Wix, Squarespace and Weebly. Without a doubt, the first question arises in mind is which website platform will be better to build website.
As a matter of fact, choosing the right platform to build a website should be the first priority. Moreover, there are lots of free website building platform which can build your website for free. However, we do not or never suggest free website building software. Free website building software has lots of limitations and restrictions.
Proper SEO cannot be done and it’s restricted to use a custom domain and custom hosting. Apart from this, building a professional, well designed and fully functioning website is not rocket science. It’s quite easy to build up a professional website. Even, those have a least knowledge or haven’t much knowledge about website building can also build a website.
Guide to select website building platform

However, one thing is the crucial part i.e. you need to select the right platform for building a website. If you select a wrong platform then you can get into trouble later on. In brief, a wrong website building platform can bring tons of problems, hence right or correct selection is must. As a matter of fact, there are some platforms which needs or require the knowledge of coding. Without a doubt, some platforms of website building software need java/ CSS/ HTML coding knowledge.
Hence, first you need to decide whether you need coding platform or you need no coding platforms. Clearly, we want to tell that if you are a beginner then select a website building platform without coding, but if you are a professional and having enough competitive knowledge on coding then you can select popular coding site to build your professional site or blog.
Most of the people ask how to create a website for free but there are lot of people who actually create a website in a professional way. So there must be a question in your mind about selection of website. Which website building platform should you use? Which platform can provide professional look to your website? What is the easy way to create a website? Don’t worry in this article we will clear all your doubts and queries related to How to create a website.
Definitely, we know and understand that it can be a little tough for you to learn everything at once. Moreover, we had already done all research for you. Finally, we have professional experts who have done, a depth research so that all process can be easy to you.
Important factors before selecting website builder

Before you know How to create a website we want to tell you that there are many things which are to be taken in to consideration before creating a website such as – Ease of use, Value for Money, Design Flexibility, Features, Help & Support, Customer Score, and many more. Moreover, these basic rules must be followed.
Ease of using website builder
First of all, the builder which you are using must be simple to use i.e. ease of use must be there in the website building platform. It is obvious that people will get attracted to that website building platform where they can make a website in the easiest way. Moreover, let us take the example of WordPress. WordPress website builder provided easy understanding, simple outlook, easy to understand, and all the menus such as – post, pages, categories, tags, media, comments, projects, feedback, appearance, plugins, users, tools, settings, etc. are placed in proper order, and systematically. Finally, in your case also select an ease of using a website builder.
Value for money

Other that that, we know that every one wants the cheapest product. No one likes expensive products with less or little features. However, we also know that cheapest is not always the best, but when you get website building platform at cheap price and the features is also good then i think you can select it. In short, the website builder should be value for money. A purchaser should not feel that they paid high but the services are not up to the mark or good. Finally, if you are paying then pay only on the platform where you think that it is fruitful.
Website design and flexibility

Definitely, now we think things are getting clear on our blog on How to create a website. Let’s understand other components also. As a matter of fact website design and flexible use speaks about how professional your blog or website is. yes it is the fact. Definitely, website design should be pleasing, appropriate, user friendly, easy to use, easy to access, modern template, and well designed professional look.
Apart from this, you can also perform user friendly test by accessing the design and template on other devices such as – phone, laptop, computer, and tablets. Finally, it can help to know whether it supports on all devices or not. Especially, hosting loading time must be check on the design and template to know load handling capabilities.
Help and support system
It should be noted, what you website is capable of doing. Here we are talking about help and support system of the website building platform. As we know, a good help and support system solves our queries and problems. Moreover, in help and support we are considering all services such as – knowledge centres, chat support, live support, email assistance, Skype support, help centres, and feedback support. Equally important, these thinks are really important while selecting website builder. In simple terms we can say that whenever you will face any issues in your website. Whether your builder provides you help and support faciity or not. At last, this is also especially important when you start your own website.
Customer review and ratings

If you are learning How to create a website then equally customer review and ratings are also equally important. Moreover, customer comments there correct reviews on the feedback or comments sections. Let us assume how you will get to know that which website builder is best and other is not. It can only be possible when you know the customer ratings for the services they provide.
We would recommend, read as much reviews as possible so that proper analytical analysis can be made. Apart from this, we should know whether other people recommend the product or not. We should also check how much market there services actually covers. You can also check the overall rating of the services they provide. Analyze with the advantages as well as disadvantages. Finally, if you think the service is actually good then definitely you can try or purchase it.
Basic factors on creating a website

Now you will get to know How to create a website. What are the things you will be needed to create a website? In short, you will need to register a domain name, find a hosting company, build the website, write quality and original contents, publish your contents etc. these are some brief knowledge on How to create a website. Moreover, now we will explain in details.
Without a doubt, you generally and definitely want your blog or website to get display on the internet. You want that people, customer, or visitors will be able to see or find your blogs on internet. Apart from this, whether you are having a business, wants to open an eCommerce website, or sell products online, or wants to write educational or informative, and informational contents on internet, having a website is almost very essential.
However, it can be a good suggestion that first you think about your expectations from the website before creating it. In simple terms we can say that first you should need to know the reason for opening any blog website. Research on the niche you will work. Know your competitors. Finally, these are some basics things which are needed to know before creating a website.
- Register Domain Name

First of all, your domain name should be similar to the niche you are working on. In simple terms, we can say that you should select such domain name which reflects the blogs or products you are working. Moreover, selecting a similar domain name can help you to rank easily.
People can find your blog easily in the search engine. As a matter of fact, if you are running a business then your domain name should be similar to your business name so that your visitors or customers who want to search you can get your website easily on the internet. We also suggest you to use same name email address which has been used in domain name. In particular, using a professional email address is a better choice. It’s available in a cheap price i.e. may be @99 per year.
Apart from this, if you want to register domain name then you will need to find some domain registrar company online such as – Godaddy, hostgator, and other companies. Furthermore, you can purchase new domain name or renew the existing domain name if you have it. Moreover you will need to make some changes in the DNS i.e. domain name server so that the domain gets connected to the hosting.
2. Search for a web hosting company

In the second step in How to create a website search for a web hosting company. In addition, a web hosting company helps to keep, or store your data in there hosting servers. It is one of the important factor to make the site live on internet. Importantly, there are lot of hosting service provider in the market who offers web hosting services in affordable prices.
As a matter of fact, many hosting service provider also offers email address name which is similar to the name of the business. Clearly, all hosting service provider prices depend and vary from time to time. Hosting prices depends on the facilities you need such as – starter, economy, or business plan. Select the hosting plan as per your requirement. It should be noted that monthly or yearly fees or charges will be taken by the hosting service provider varying or depending on your plan, and monthly subscription.
3. Prepare your content

As a matter of fact, if you are creating a professional website then we will suggest you to heir a professional writer to write quality contents for your blogs. It will help the user to get quality and SEO (search engine optimized) contents so that it can get ranked easily. However, if website creator do not wants to spend funds on contents writer then write contents by own. You will just have to follow on-page SEO terms and conditions.
As well as that, think about what you want to show or do via your website. It will help you to arrange the pages according to the niche of your contents. Arrange the about us, privacy policy, contact us, and disclaimer of your website according to the niche of the website.
Apart from this, your site should be arranged properly, visitors can find information on the website easily and effectively. Other than that, use high quality, relevant, appropriate and original images. Pics on your website must be yours and must not be copied from anywhere. Moreover, try to add everything relevant on your blog so that maximum people gets attracted to your website and contents.
4. Last step: Now build your website

Finally, we have covered a lot of portion on How to create a website. Now we will discuss some platform from which you can build your website easily. As a matter of fact, there are many website builder platforms which can build your own website in few minutes.
Furthermore, there are two ways to build a website, either make a professional website by own programme and coding knowledge or the second option is use website building software such as GoDaddy hosting, Host gator, site ground, Bluehost, a2-hosting, InMotion, I-Page, liquid web, Wix, wp engine, hostinger, fat cow, web, web hosting hub, just host, and many other hosting providers who can help to provide you with a platform to host your website so that it can run efficiently. Hope now you know how to create a website. OK wait it’s not the end of the article.
Equally important, select your website hosting package according to the need. If your visitors are less then you will not need a vast hosting package and vice versa. Especially, the work of hosting is to convert your texts. It converts the contents, and images to web contents which send the text and images to your website.
Should I build my website by own?

According to our guidance, if you are a beginner and do not having any kind of online knowledge and idea, then its better to have someone else who will build a website for you. Moreover, there are various profession website developer which you can easily find on sites like – fiverr. They charge there nominal and minimum fees to build a website for you.
As a matter of fact, an professional web developer can build a website quickly, and effectively. Other than that website developer will also suggest you some guidance to build up a professional, and user friendly website. We recommend, hire a web developer when you do not have enough time to build a website by own. In addition, if you are having a online business, online shop, or you offer some special service like – webinar, or online courses, then you can search or find for a website developer.
It should be noted, if time permits, then you can easily open website by own. In simple terms we can say that, there will be no need to hire any website developer. Frankly, creating website by own is a easy process, and can be done in an hour. Importantly, you will need to design your website in such way so that it can be device friendly.
Furthermore, your website can easily open in all Smartphone’s, laptops, and tablets. Finally, websites should be optimized properly. As a matter of fact, optimizing website properly means growing your audience, attracting visitors, people will love to visit and stay on the site, and gather information.
Which website builder platform should you use?

You can get thousands of option here in the selection of website builder, but we strongly recommend you to use WordPress for building your website in a professional way. You can see in the graph that 60 percent of the market share in website building is captured by WordPress.
As a matter of fact, WordPress is the easiest and best option to build a website. People generally ask me How to create a website, i recommend them that use WordPress for building. Moreover, i am also using WordPress since more than 5 years and till now i am using it. In addition, Joomla and drupal also provides good website services, but again WordPress will be the best option. Clearly, those who are serious about blogging and creating blog as profession must use WordPress for building site.
WordPress has clean and easy to use and understand dashboard. Furthermore, it also provides plugins which helps to add additional support, and features in the site. Other than that WordPress is easily available in all c Panel hosting, which allows easy setup of website in few clicks.
As Graph shows the popularity of WordPress. It is most popular platform to create a website because its enough flexible, easy to use for small as well as large scale online business. Other than that, it can easily handle online shops, online informational, education blogs or any other niche blogs. WordPress platform provides unlimited access to plugins and themes which is one of the great advantages.
FINAL STEP: How to create a website: Step by Step guide
1. Install WordPress on your web hosting platform
As a matter of fact, now you need to install WordPress from web hosting platform. To precede this, first you need to open your c panel account for example – Blue host Cpanel hosting, go daddy CPanel hosting, site ground CPanel hosting, or any other Cpanel hosting which you have selected.
Read the steps which you will have to follow to activate WordPress from your Cpanel
- First of all, login to your hosting (for ex- GoDaddy or Bluehost) account. In addition, your cPanel will have access to open WordPress from the control panel.
- Search the “control panel” option and click it.
- As shown in the pic, search for “WordPress” icon. You may find the “WordPress” icon in the “Website” sections. Furthermore, you may also get other website building platforms such as – Joomla or drupal. Click on the WordPress icon.
- Click the “Install Now” button and now you will get entered in the new tab and you will get access to your new WordPress website.

As shown in the below pic. Click on “INSTALL NOW” button. All important details will be guided in the help and support of WordPress. You can see in the below pic all guides are already informed.
Moreover, fill these blocks correctly as asked. This block includes website title, blog name, site descriptions, domain name, subdomains. After this WordPress download will be started.

2. Select your desired free theme on WordPress

WordPress will offer some free themes which you need to select theme with your choice. Apart from this, WordPress provides approx 1500 fresh free themes which you can use without paying i.e. complete free themes. Moreover, you can edit can customize themes anytime. If you want to change the theme later then just go to WordPress dashboard > Appearance section > as guided in the pic attached by us.
Other than that, if you need more professional themes which are obviously paid themes, then you can easily purchase it and upload it on the “upload now” button. An unique API key will be provided in the professional themes which provide time to time updates.
Importantly, there are various popular themes providers for WordPress such as – elegant themes, genesis, themes forest, and many more. These themes provider have a great collections, and library of themes available.
3. Create a New page on WordPress
Creating a “NEW PAGE” is very simple, you just need to log in to the WordPress dashboard > click on the pages section on the left sidebar of dashboard > click on ADD NEW pages. Now you can edit the pages.

4. Arrange the pages to Menu bar
Arranging pages is one of the optimization processes. Visitors will feel easy to find all pages at one place. How and where can i get “MENU” option??
As shown in the image provided by us > Open WordPress dashboard > click on the appearance section > select the menu option > Now you can arrange the pages.
5. Create first post of your site –
Create your first post.
On the dashboard > click all post > click add new post.
Now you can add post. It’s really a simple process.

6. Add important plugins to your website –
It is one of the most important factors to add additional features in your website. Plugin helps in optimization of the website
Where can I find plugin option?
Open wordpress dashboard > click on the plugin option available in the left sidebar of your dashboard > search for some important plugin such as – Yoast seo, Google analytics, contact form, woo commerce, classic editor, and many more. Add the plugin which you need > click on Activate.

7. Set up a Static Frontpage –
Static home page provides freedom to design and customize the theme according to the need and requirement. Other than that, if you are using professional theme then you can get additional features.
Where can I find this option??
On the settings button of WordPress dashboard > click reading settings > select a static page > arrange the front page i.e. the home page, and posts page. In addition, you can also set up some additional features such as number of blog pages to show, syndication feed, and many more.

Also Read: How to create a blog for free and make money? (Beginner)
Conclusion –
So finally, now might understand How to create a website. We have tried to make all points step by step to avoid confusion, and now we can hope that you can easily create a website by own. Please share our content on How to create a website to your friends so that we feel motivated to write more and more articles.
First of all, we started our article with Introduction on How to create a website so that we can discuss the basics at first. Furthermore, in introduction we had shared the summary on the craze of creating websites. Now a day’s everyone wants there online identity as a website.
Undoubtedly, we also shared the Key points on How to create a website where we discussed some key points and important factors which will be needed to create a website. Moreover, we had also discussed important factors on how to create a website to get a brief idea on some key factors which are to be taken in to consideration before starting any blogs such as – ease of use, value for money, website platform, site design, optimizations etc.
In the final analysis, we came to know how to create a website: Step by Step guide. In this step, we had already shared our detailed reports on starting a website with WordPress and step by step process on how to create a website. Moreover, we have attached proper screenshot. As a matter of fact, our professionals have put great efforts to create this content. To be noted, they have also set up a demo website on WordPress. In conclusion, we hope you like this content. Must share it, have a nice day.
Good luck!