Wondering what dog has the strongest bite? Perfect question, especially if you are about to pet a dog for the purpose of your home’s safety.
Dogs are considered to be one of the finest pets you can ever have. They are known for their loyalty and their amazing fun personality that they bring along. However, it is essential to know that besides all of the positive qualities, sometimes dogs can also become extremely dangerous, primarily because of their ability to bite. And in this article, we will discuss the same – the dogs with the strongest bite ever. Keep reading.
What Dog Has The Strongest Bite?
Before we jump into the list, it is essential to know that to determine a dog’s strength, we need to focus on its bite force, which is generally measured through PSI (pounds per square inch.) It doesn’t technically indicate the force of the bite but the pressure a dog’s jaw releases when they are biting something.
Now, let’s begin with the list of the dogs with the strongest bites ever.
1. Kangal

- PSI – 743
- Height – 25-31 inches tall
- Weight – 90-130 pounds
- Lifespan – 15 years or more
Kangal is a large and muscular dog with an extremely strong bite, with a bite force of around 743 PSI. This breed is considered a perfect guardian due to its vast size and numerous other impressive capabilities. Not only that, Kangal is also known to be one of the longest-living dog breeds, as they are expected to live for around 15 years.
It is also important to know that they are not completely dangerous, and one can also have them as a pet. But, for that, it is essential for the owner first to train the Kangal properly to avoid the negative consequences.
2. American Bandogge

- PSI – 730
- Height – 26-34 Inches
- Weight – 60-120 pounds
- Lifespan – 12-14 years
American Bandogge’ s bite force consists of around 730 PSI , which is considered to be massive. Dogs of this breed come in huge sizes, are loyal and protective, and are also considered good with children. However, sources say that it is a must for the owner to have control over their American Bandogge. Otherwise, there are some chances that it may end up hurting other dogs, especially if they are not familiar with them.
However, if they have grown up with other pets and socialized with them properly, there’s no need to worry. Chances are high that they will manage to live happily with them.
3. Cane Corso

- PSI – 700
- Height – 23.5-27.5 inches
- Weight – 85-110 pounds
- Lifespan – 10-12 years
Cane Corse has the bite force of PSI of around 700 PSI. The breed was recognized in 2010 by the American Kennel Club, and after that, it started to become very popular in the United States. The huge size of the Cane Corso makes it one of the best options for the people looking for a guard dog.
4. Dogo Argentino

- PSI – 600
- Height – 24-27 Inches
- Weight – 80-100 pounds
- Lifespan – 10-15 years
Dogo Argentino is another dog with the most substantial bite, with a PSI of 600. This dog has a powerful jaw that can easily have a strong grip over a large prey. Dogo Argentino is considered friendly and can serve as fantastic house pets. However, please know that training is still required for the Dogo Argentino from a very young age.
5. Tosa Inu

- PSI – 556
- Height – 21-32 Inches
- Weight – 130-200 Pounds
- Lifespan – 10-12 years
Tosa Inu stands at the fifth position on the list of what dog has the strongest bite. It is considered one of the most dangerous and powerful dog breeds, with a force bite of 556 PSI. You may be surprised to know that in the U.S., it is illegal to pet this dog in numerous states due to its hazardous nature.
This dog breed was originally bred in Japan specifically for the purpose of dog fighting. If anyone decides to have this dog as a pet, it is a must for them to introduce them to early socialization and proper training in order to avoid severe problems.
6. English Mastiff

- PSI – 552
- Height – 28-36 Inches
- Weight – 120-130 pounds
- Lifespan – 6-12 years
English Mastiffs were first explicitly bred as fighting dogs as they have one of the strongest bites that generate PSI of 552 . These dogs are highly assertive, and their bite force is enough to crush an individual’s bones.
And you know what is the best thing about this dog breed? Even though they were trained as fighting dogs, they can still go well as pets and almost anyone can own them – thanks to the friendly nature that they bring along.
7. Leonberger

- PSI – 399
- Height – 26-31 Inches
- Weight – 90-170 pounds
- Lifespan – 8-9 years
Leonberger is a dog breed from Germany with one of the most robust jaws with 399 PSI bite force. They look more like a teddy and are considered decent as household pets. They will also do well with the children and have big heart. However, it is highly recommended to keep an eye on this huge dog and not try to push its limits; otherwise, you may find yourself in trouble.
8. Rottweiler

- PSI – 328
- Height – 22-27 inches
- Weight – 80-135 pounds
- Lifespan – 8-10 years
Another quite popular and dangerous dog breed with a firm bite is – the Rottweiler. Its bite comes with a force of 328 PSI, enough for them to have a strong hold on their enemies. They can be great as pets as they love to stay with their owners. This dog breed also serves as a guard dog, providing your home with top-notch security.
What’s more? They are also very good with the children, especially when they are grown up together. However, please know that it is also essential to socialize and train your Rottweiler correctly; otherwise, they can turn into a dangerous animal, especially to strangers.
9. German Shepherd

- PSI – 238
- Height – 24-26 Inches
- Weight – 75-90 pounds
- Lifespan – 9-13 years
You are probably aware of this dog breed as it is pretty popular in the U.S. and many other regions. They have strong jaws and have a bite force of around 238 PSI. These dogs are majorly used by the U.S. police because of their ability to catch a suspect running away.
German Shepherd are known to be excellent dogs to be kept at home as they are friendly, loyal and obedient. They are also very good with children. However, this dog breed is still not recommended to people who have never owned a dog before because they demand a lot of exercise and training.
10. Pit bull

- PSI – 235
- Height – 20-28 Inches
- Weight – 60-130 pounds
- Lifespan – 10-15 years
The last but not the least on the list of what dog has the strongest bite is – pit bull. This dog has a powerful bite force of 235 PSI. Besides that, they also have a nice personality; for instance, they are intelligent and affectionate toward their owner.
Pit bulls are also considered to be very good with kids, and for that reason, they are sometimes called ‘nanny dogs’; seems interesting, right? When provided with proper training and socialization, they can be one of the best dogs to have as a pet.
So, that was all you needed to know about what dog has the strongest bite. If you have any of these dogs or are considering petting them, ensure to be careful around them and provide them with proper training and enough socialization. This way, you will not only prevent your dog from hurting anyone with its solid jaws but also yourself from ending up in unnecessary legal trouble.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What Dog Has The Most Fatal Bite?
According to the sources, pit bulls are known to be at the top of the list for having the highest number of fatal bites.
2. What Is The Number One Biting Dog?
Again, the answer is Pitbull. It is known to be the cause of 60% of all injuries and 63% of ocular injuries.
3. What Dog Has a Stronger Bite Force Than a Lion?
As per the sources, a lion has a bite force of 650 PSI, and there are many dogs that surpass that level. For example, many dogs like Cane Corso, American Bandogge and Kangal are known to have a bite force PSI of more than 650.
4. Which Dog Bites Less?
There are many dog breeds that don’t bite that much, for instance, Labrador Retrievers and Newfoundlands. They are considered some of the safest dog breeds you can opt for.