Since the advent of technology, working remotely has become popular and more people are embracing the trend by the day. It is an ingenious way of getting the same amount of work done and effectively, just like you will do while in an office. Let’s see tips to make your remote job easier in 2021.
Remote jobs have created opportunities for people who would not have been able to work their dream jobs because of limitations placed on them by circumstances. For example, a nursing mom can work from the comfort of her home, with enough time to nurse her baby and also manage the home front. A physically challenged person can work and earn without having to leave the house.
As good as that sounds, working from home also has its cons. One of which is the constant interference between personal and work life, which can affect productivity. In this article, we’ll be sharing with you five smart tips to help you become more efficient while working from any location.
1. Master The Use of Helpful Softwares and Apps
When you’re working within a traditional environment, it’s easy to tap a colleague and ask them to go through a report you have written and give you a second opinion. But while working remotely, you might need the aid of technology to edit your output.
This should not stress you out, as there are hundreds of software and sites online designed to help you carry out your work seamlessly. Most of them come in both paid and free versions, so you can choose the most suitable according to your budget.
There are sites to help you organize your work, proofread your output and edit your documents. Examples are Asana, Dropbox, and PDFBear, where you can edit PDF free of charge.
2. Set a Flexible Work Schedule
You should understand that a remote job is as demanding as any other job setting. Your timeline should be shared equally between work and personal activities to avoid overshadowing the other. Work smart by mapping out time to dedicate to work and daily activities. Be strict about this and try not to allow one to encroach on the time meant for the other. Some apps track time. Employ the use of these apps to divide your work-social time equally for a balanced and fulfilled daily outcome.
3. Create a Comfortable Work Station
Working remotely means that you would be spending a lot of time at home. This can sound like the dream for workers who commute to work daily. Don’t get too excited though. One of the downsides is constant obstruction by family and even friends during working hours.
To curtail this, you must create a workstation or an in-house office exclusively meant for work. Not only can you hide away from your toddlers and yapping friends, but you would also feel more organized. Here you can arrange your desk, laptop, books and other files needed for work. This space should be declared sacred. You can explain to your family members that they are not allowed to wander into the room unnecessarily or disturb you during work hours.
If your house has limited rooms, a simple corner near a window or wall will do. As much as possible, choose a space where your working materials can be safe from winds, rain splash, etc.
4. Have a Regular Work Routine
No one said that working remotely must be formal. Let’s face it, you are in your home anyways, so you have to be more motivated.
Make things less boring by creating a fun work routine. Something as simple as listening to some motivational podcasts before your shift can boost your morale and get you fired up for work.
While taking a morning coffee on your porch, you can quickly check your emails or go through your task for the day. There are other similar ways to do this, switch locations, check what works and what doesn’t.
The same goes for the end of each working day. Turn off all the apps and systems that you employ while working, the same thing done at offices when you have to put away files, turn off the systems and appliances before leaving your cubicle.
Find your mojo and make it personal, not only does this make you feel fulfilled, but it also gives you a reason to look forward to each day and not just the weekend.
5. Schedule Breaks at Intervals
While working remotely, schedules are not as inconsistent as most people assume. There is a need to show a level of commitment and productivity, especially when you are working with a team. The pressure to show you are being productive might set in on occasions. When this happens, you are most likely to fall into a loop of over-compensation, thereby doubling your workload. You start to skip meals and stay up late at night with your laptop in bed.
People who work office jobs are allowed to have breaks, and so should you. Set out some hours for breaks, and devise a means to help you steer clear of work during those hours. Download reminder apps then set an alarm clock, ask a loved one to take your phone away, by all means, learn to take out time for yourself.
In conclusion
While being a hustler and losing sleep is idolized in the working community. It does not exactly equal productivity. While working remotely, there are thin lines separating work from personal life. As much as you can, try to make those lines more defined. This does not just help you achieve work-life balance, it also ensures you are your most productive self while working.