Looking for free music? We have excellent websites for you. Using such websites, you may download music free of cost. Also, you may download any music, Hollywood or Bollywood, any genre, pop or rock, any language Hindi or Malyali etc., using such websites. Let us discuss these details in this article one by one. Quick fact: Do you know? Bestwap and Soundclouds are the most popular websites to download free music.
With every tune or music you listen to, there is a new emotion connected to the music. Romantic songs are popular among couples. On the other hand, Sad songs and inspirational songs are trendy these days among teenagers. Also, Adults like to listen to 80s and 90s tunes. This will be a long list of songs to download. Isn’t it? We understand that not every website can provide all these songs and genres together. For this, we need different websites to download the songs.
In today’s world, the Internet is the solution to most of our worldly problems. For example, Getting bored? Let’s listen to some music. Thank god for the Internet! It has become effortless to download songs at high speed using the Internet.
However, the website you chose doesn’t need to be the legal one. Sometimes, to download any song, you accidentally click on a virus loaded website. Virus Loaded websites and very dangerous for your phones. It may result in the transferring of a virus to your phone and damage your phone. So, check out the latest virus free websites to download the free music. Let’s begin, Shall we?
Check out the latest 2021 Websites to download free music: Bestwap, SoundCloud, Jamendo etc.

SoundCloud is an online platform to share mp3 music all over the world. Its headquarters are in Berlin, Germany. This website helps the user to download, upload or share the music free of cost. You can find different genres, remixes and many more types of music using this website. Also, some people say that SoundCloud is an alternative for Spotify. As Spotify provides good quality and sound piece, SoundCloud aims to deliver the best to its customers.
SoundCloud is a music downloading website with millions of users. Eric Wahlfross and Alexander Ljung are the founders of this website. Moreover, they started this online based company in 2007. This started with a small idea, and now, SoundCloud is one of the leading online music streaming platforms. Moreover, you can download the songs via SoundCloud for free, or you can also take the paid subscription and become a premium user. Premium users have the benefits to enjoy every kind of music with high-quality sound. Also, Premium users have the advantage to listen to their favourite tracks without any breaks. Moreover, music for premium users will be ad-free.
SoundCloud owns a reputation in the list of the best websites. It is popular among artists as well. Many artists have made their debut using this platform. Soundcloud has some issues related to funding, due to which they have to abandon several employees. However, Soundcloud gained support from several investors and social media networks. Twitter, one of the infamous social media networks, has helped Soundcloud multiple times to remain advantageous. At the initial level, Soundcloud did not provide online music streaming. Instead, it only permitted musicians and composers to share their music recordings and discuss them. However, it is now the most powerful platform with more than 100 million subscriptions.
Steps to convert SoundCloud Songs to MP3:-
- Choose the Song you wish to convert to mp3 and enter its Playlist or SoundCloud URL.
- Once you open the SoundCloud, you will get the option “SoundCloud MP3 Converter”.
- Click on “SoundCloud MP3 Converter”, and paste the song URL you wish to convert and click on Convert.
- Once you do that, it will take 2-3 mins for the application to convert the Song.
- Wait for 2-3 mins; once the Song gets converted, you will see a notification “Song has been converted into mp3. Tap to download.”
- YOu may tap or click on the download option and save it on your phone.
Pretty easy, right?

BestWap is another popular website. Through this, you can listen to any music and download any genre’s Song. Bestwap is an online website that delivers music to people. It was launched in 2006 and provided desired music to every single user.
Moreover, BestWap is also the centre for the collaboration and communication of several artists, musicians, music directors etc. Check out bestwap music store and download the best music. Bestwap also offers music free of cost. Free of cost services as well as paid subscriptions are also available on Bestwap

It is another legendary Online music sharing social community. SoundClick plays a crucial role in social gathering as it allows the free of cost-sharing, downloading the music. Also, it will enable its user to convert the music into mp3 format. Users can transfer the license of the songs to other users and have the freedom to sell the pieces through the store. Sounds interesting, yes?
Now, the question arises, “how can you download the songs using this website?”
Let me share the steps with you where you can download the music using Soundclick officially:-
- Go to SoundClick official website and search for the Song you wish to listen to.
- Once you get to your favourite Song, you will find a download option at the Song’s end. Click on the Download option.
- After clicking on the download option, a dialogue box will open, sharing different sound qualities.
- Choose your desired sound quality and Click on the OK button. The Song will start downloading in the background. Now, please wait for the subsequent notification till it gets downloaded.
- Tada! Your Song has been downloaded. Tap to listen.
That is how you can download the songs using SoundClick. Try it!

One of the most popular and successful online music streaming platforms. It is easily reachable to the users through the website or its mobile application. The exciting thing about this online website is that many music standard record charts like Billboard, Billboard 200, Global 200 and Hot 100 included several tracks in their top lists.
Moreover, Audiomack was also listed among the topmost music innovating companies recently in March 2021. This recognition was given by Fast magazine, a monthly business magazine that focuses on various issues.
Dave Macli and David Ponte are the founders of Audiomack. This online music streaming company was founded in 2012. Many Popular singers used this website to release their mixtapes, songs and albums. For example, Eminem’s Killshot, released in September 2018, achieved more than 8 million views in a few months. Audimack has around 17 million active users recorded till March 2021.
Its features include online and offline music, good quality music, on-demand music, Free offline and online playback without any proxies or blocks. Free uploading and downloading music and songs. Also, the Fingerprint combination is another unique feature of this website. It allows its users to store their content free of cost with no limit.
Audiomack is a prestigious online music streaming platform sharing licensed music in agreement with Sony Music Entertainment and Universal Music Group(United States).
Audiomack is known for delivering hip-hop, Reggae and Electronic music.
Amazon Music Store:-

Amazon MP3 or Amazon Music is an online music store. As the name suggests, it is the subsidiary of Amazon launched in 2007. Do you know? Amazon Music Store is an independent music store that sells music in collaboration with popular music labels such as Warner, EMI, Sony BMG and Universal.
It was launched in many other countries like the United Kingdom(December 3, 2008), France(June 10, 2009), Germany(April 1, 2009), Switzerland and Austria(December 3, 2009), Japan(November 10, 2010), Spain and Italy in( October 4, 2012) and Mexico(November 7, 2018).
Amazon music is almost available in every part of the world now, with more than 50 million high-quality songs. Songs on Amazon are available in High definition as well as Ultra High definition. Amazon aims to deliver the best to you. Amazon Music has now become a big brand and is a well-reputed music store. The Amazon store collaborated with Universal Group, EMI music and other popular music labels. Also, on the day of its release, an Amazon store was launched with more than two lakhs artists and around 20,000 labels.
With its increasing popularity, Amazon is now available on Android Televisions and Tablets. Also, You can download Amazon music applications on smartwatches as well. It is available on some limited watches only.
So, The websites mentioned earlier are the best websites to download free music in 2021. You may use either of the websites and download your desired Song. Other online music streaming sites are Beatstars, Audio Archive, DatPiff, Last.FM, CCTrax, YouTube, Google Play store etc. All these websites also offer free music with high and Ultra-high definition quality.
Another essential music listening and sharing platform founded in 2005. Sylvain Zimmer, Pierre Gérard are the founders of this vast music platform. Also, One unique thing about this music platform is that independent artists can share their music or Song on this website without any barrier. Thus, it is an independent platform through which music lovers and talented artists may showcase their talent.
You can listen, explore and download more than six lakh songs free using Jamendo. Also, you may listen to more than forty thousand independent artists from all around the globe on this open platform.
Do you know? Jamendo has a license to share or use the copyrighted work of artists. Creative Commons License, a public copyright license, enables Jamendo to transfer the copyright music. Thus, Jamendo became an open platform through which people can listen, download for free, distribute and use the theme of any independent artist. Moreover, since 2019, Jamendo has been a part of Independent Management Entity and Belgian company Audio Valley. Jamendo is famous for well-formed playlists and the best available radio stations.
In the end, I hope you like the article, and it will help you judge better which online streaming website you should choose. Thank you for your time. Take care and be safe!